“Would like to tell you what a difference the Auto Zap has made in my life!

I have been struggling with candida for years and lately it has been running my life.  Few months ago even ended up in the hospital.  Must say that doctors weren’t much help!

My symptoms were numerous and included difficulty breathing, inability to eat much without getting sick, fatigue, depression, brain fog, skin rashes, inflammation, and generally feeling miserable.

By sheer luck (or divine intervention) I found out about the Auto Zap and decided to give it a try.  Right away felt more energy.

Started with using it once a day and after calling you and asking if I can use it more, were using it twice a day.  Was nervously watching for signs of detox so common to any routine that kills the candida …will I get sicker before getting better?

Well, to make it short, it’s about a week of using it twice daily, no ill effects whatsoever (feeling thirstier), I have more energy than I can remember having in years, was able yesterday and this morning to eat regular food – rice, tofu, soup etc – all made with wholesome ingredients, no reactions, I could sleep without gasping for air, actually I slept well!

I feel like myself again!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!  Gratefully, RV”