In early October 2011, my dentist had to split a molar to extract it.  The root of the 1st molar half created an opening directly into my sinus above it.  The sinus opening acted as a vacuum, sucking the second molar half up into the sinus cavity.

The Dentist explained thoroughly the potent possibilities.  I’m confident in her judgment.  “Antibiotics, freshen the packing, liquid diet and don’t apply sudden air pressure from above or below the sinus for 2-4 weeks.  3x/day mouthwash with salt and warm water, while the opening heals.”

Keep her informed and consider surgery if tooth doesn’t come out on its own.  In fact, consider starting appointments with nose and mouth surgeon now.  A ‘wait and see’ with caution was my resolve.

Within 2 weeks, the tooth cavity had somewhat haled, but antibiotics never contained the sinus infection and inflammation.  My normal breathing followed a path through the sinus from nose to mouth that encouraged the tooth half to roll about.  A putrid odor followed me, strong enough to knock a dog off a gut wagon.  My normal gut health needed help to restart, and other secondary symptoms began.  I used a neti pot, washing the sinus 4 times a day.

Next stop, facial surgery.  I am ready t-o-d-a-y.

The end of this unhealthy scenario started from reading Dr. Hulda Clark’s book “The Cure For All Diseases.”  And end it did.

I bought Arthur’s AutoZap 5 zapper and FreeCoil SuperZappicator October 19, 2011.  I believe the zappicator more than the zapper did the job, but now how can I prove it?  By Oct 28 the the zapper and zappicator were started along with probiotics and Hulda Clark cleanse program.  Within hours, a subtle body calm signaled that my focus was changing.  I had deeper, easier breathing, and got thirsty.

Within 3 days the odour left, although its mental imprint was on high alert warning for months after.  I immediately stopped antibiotics when the odour stopped.

Within a week the nasal drip stopped and use of the neti pot was only for nasal congestion, twice a month, maybe.  I never followed up on the pending surgery appointments, and left my dentist with just “see you in 6 months for the regular cleaning.”

In 3 to 7 days, all was normal at least for me.  I was on a new path of better health.

Except, the tooth is still in my sinus.  In June 2012, 8 months later, the tooth snorted out my nose, confirmed and ID’d by the dentist.  During those 8 months, about every 3 weeks the tooth inflamed the sinus.  This triggered a thorough SuperZappicator session, which immediately (I mean now) cleared it up.  From first owning the 5 minute zapper, I have used it 5 days out of 7, and the SuperZappicator is used on specific ailing body parts 2-4 times per month.

Thank you, Dr. Clark & Arthur!
