I want to thank you for sharing your products and knowledge with the world. 
I am such a believer in this and my co-worker is going to order the system now, just from what I’ve told her and I’ve given the web site and written materials also to her and shared what it’s done for me.  She has many health problems with no end to any of them as of yet and has made countless trips to the doctor.  (not disrespecting doctors at all–at least not all of them. lol) 
I think maybe she finally believes me because with all the sickness that’s been in our office this winter, I have caught nothing—and I have a great deal of stress in my life which lowers my immune system.  I am so grateful I found out about this system!!  
With your special offer, I am now going to purchase the Super 5 for my grown children too.  I’ve already purchased one and have saved up for this offer—-no excuses for them now!! 
Thank you again for all you do.  And may God richly bless you and yours.