Hello Arthur,

I wanted to send a quick note thanking you for your amazing Auto-Zap.

We are still using the original unit we purchased about 10 years ago. My daughter is 5 now, and often brings home colds from her new preschool. We have an after school zapping policy now, and the problems have stopped. It seemed like we had joined the “cold of the week club” until we all started zapping after school every day. Our kid is so patient, going through the entire hour plus of zapping 7-20-7-20-7.

I have to admit, with a wee one, I am curious about the new 5 minute zapper. I’m so curious about the science behind it, and how it works. How does the electricity penetrate the 3+ layers, and reach beyond the surface area to get it all? Here’s a photo of the wife and daughter getting in some Auto-Zap time while playing and reading. Have a great holiday season, and many blessings to you and yourn!  Jay.