Zappicating Dog for Parasites

Hi Arthur, I’ve been looking on your site for info about zappicating pets. Saw the video of you talking about zapping them using the straps. My niece’s golden retriever has been giving parasites to family members, including me. I got rid of them by zappicating, and...

Using the Zappicator on Drinking Water

Dear Arthur, In one of your videos you mentioned that you had gotten feedback from people who said their drinking water tasted better after they zappicated it.  Well, I can testify that what they told you is true! Recently, I decided to experiment by zappicating a...

Sinus clearer with Zappicator

I want to thank D F for the above testimonial, after reading it I decided to purchase the zappicator. I got my zappicator a few days ago. I have used it for a few days under my pillow as I have chronic fatigue, bleeding gums, periodontal diseases, sinus issues,...

Zappicating helps Bleeding Gums

Hi, Thanks so much for the pet zappers!  I just have to tell you what happened this morning.  Our little 2-year-old Scottish Terrier/Havanese cross, Winston, started coughing and couldn’t stop.  This went on for about 2 hours.  I thought that he had swallowed...

Zappicator for the Skin and Kidneys

My friend is having marvelous results and uses the zapicator for everything – foods, supplements, her back at meals, you name it.  Wonderful recommendation.  I had amazing results over a few weeks with 4 sessions on skin and burn issues and on my kidney /...