Hello Lynn:

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you allowed me to use the Zapper on Sunee.  She has improved so very very much, I can only attribute it to the Zapper (and prayer).  I also give her prednisone every second night.  She no longer has that horrible smell that comes with infection sometimes, and unless I get forgetful and  don’t give her the prednisone, she is perfectly fine.  Talk about a tazmanian devil now!  She’s gained weight (4 lbs. 4 oz.) and has a wonderful appetite.

Thank you, and bless you, for your generosity – I honestly feel it not only saved her life but made her life so much more enjoyable. She’s a much happier little girl now, and because of your generous deed, so am I. Thank you again…..

I asked permission to include the story here and here’s the reply with more background on her small dog’s condition.

Yes, you can definitely use my story about Sunee – just to let you know, she is/has sepsis caused by lingering infection in the gums. That was the condition she came here with from the SPCA.

I tell all my customers about the zapper, I am so blessed to even have knowledge about them.  BTW my Vet thoroughly accepted this treatment as valid….(wahoo! There are some people out there who are broadminded enough to accept progress).

Blessings to you, Dotty