“Hi Arthur, We spoke today on the phone about the Zappicator. I have been using the Zappicator with the Autozap on the one hour setting for a couple weeks now. I have been sitting on it while watching TV, laying on it under my stomach when reading or sleeping, or I would also put it under my pillow as I was going to sleep at night so it was under my head. Sometimes I do all three in one day.

If I feel a parasite biting in the abdominal region, I go get the zappicator and apply it immediately and see the parasite come out in the following bowel movements. I have been cleansing for a year now. I have used MMS and saw a ton of parasites of different varieties come out in parasite-only watery stools while doing a 2 day fast culminating in the 13 drop dose of MMS that got this out. I have also done a 1 month Humaworm cleanse, and I have been taking all manner of anti-parasitical herbs and co-q10 among many other things.

Currently, and while using the zappicator and Auto-Zap with wristlets, I am told I had mercury toxicity, Freon exposure, moth ball exposure, and gas leak exposure. I am detoxing these now. I am about to receive a box of Colonix and Toxinout. I also did a holistic dental cleanup. Except for the distended abdomen, fatigue, migraines, brainfog, and other invisible signs, people would have thought I was very healthy, attractive, and never would have thought the parasite infection could happen to me, but it did.

I have been cleansing for a year, but parasite cleansing since October, and really noticed an increase in the parasites I saw excreted in the bowel movements after adding the autozapper and zappicator to my regimin. The zappicator seems to affect the biofilms somehow. This is a totally gross email so please keep it anonymous. My friend on Curezone had a huge parasitical infection like me, so that is how I am so knowledgable about this stuff because she and I email each other all the time and research on Curezone.com. She is Christian also and is a big Hulda Clark person. She is working with Dr. Hardy. ThanksĀ  J”