Dear Arthur,

Late in November, 2011, I purchased the Zapper and Zappicator on pure faith.  Desperation drove me to try anything that claimed it could lessen the intensity and frequency of the migraine headaches I experienced.  I knew the problem originated in my gut – the incidence of migraine was always related to food, and I would always develop a headache if I ate after 7:00 p.m.  Back in 1990 when the headaches began, they were triggered only by my eating corn or corn products and practically everything on the supermarket shelves contains corn syrup.  Over time, it’s gotten worse; today the headaches are triggered by a greater variety of foods: dairy, chocolate, wine, even over-eating will drive pain into my head.  A nutritionist I worked with had a theory that my digestive system was overrun with “bad bacteria” which caused a toxic condition whenever I ate.  He was the only one who proffered this theory but offered no solution.

My options were limited, having gone to every doctor who may have the answer…..   The intensity of the headaches has been increasing steadily over the 20+ years since I experienced the first one.  For the last year, I was awakened at least five mornings a week, by severe migraine pain, not knowing the cause, but sure the first half of my day would be pure misery.  I did get minor relief from very heavy doses of a probiotic called VSL#3.  That was a confirmation for me that the “bad bacteria” theory was correct.  But VSL#3 was treating the symptoms; I needed to find the cause!

The information on your website and our subsequent e-mail exchanges gave me hope that using the Zappicator could possibly reduce a potential intestinal bacterial imbalance.  In addition, and possibly more importantly, one of your newsletters exposed the epidemic of candida in the population and how it was proliferating, undiagnosed and untreated.  Your site described candida as a possible cause for migraines, among so many other seemingly unrelated ailments.  Given my history, the theory was logical. 

On December 1st, 2011, I began applying the Zappicator to my lower abdomen every night for an hour while I watched TV.  After about three weeks, I wasn’t waking up with a headache anymore!   I continued to use the machine faithfully and after two months, and found I was able to tolerate food in small amounts as late as 8:00 p.m. without triggering a migraine!  This was amazing!  Two more months of Zappication and the foods that always caused a migraine were not as certain to do so.  I even ate foods that contained a small amount of corn syrup without developing a headache!  This was an amazing improvement!  After about five months of using the Zappicator, my quality of life was noticeably improving.

Just as you forget your antibiotic when your sore throat feels better, I began neglecting to use the Zappicator every night.  Within two weeks, I was again waking every morning with a headache.  When I realized my failing, it was back to zapping every night.  Within a week, the headaches became fewer until they were no longer my morning alarm.  Now it has become a ritual, a habit, and my migraine medication is almost never needed.

Finding no success in over two decades of trying, I had very little hope the Zappicator would make any difference.  I am writing to thank you for your complete belief in a system that is, essentially, an invisible cure for a most elusive and debilitating malady.  Thank you for dedicating your existence to helping people try a different path to health and, in my case freedom, happiness and the ability to go out to dinner after the Senior Specials have been served!

With all the money I spent on doctors and medications, the cost of the Zappicator system is a drop in the bucket.  I am so very grateful for your advocating this amazing invention and I thank you, but I am writing this also, in hopes that other migraine sufferers will find the success and relief that I have.  The improvement in my quality of life qualifies as a miracle!  As long as there are AA batteries, I will be headache free! 

Sincerely, PL